Empowered You Group Coaching

Ever felt like you're constantly chasing after someone else's definition of success? Like you're stuck in a loop of "shoulds," always looking for approval from everyone but yourself? Yeah, I've been there too. That's exactly why I created the Empowered You Group Coaching program. It's not just any coaching program; it's your personal invitation to step into a space where you get to redefine success on your own terms. Coming this Fall

Who’s This For? You Might Wonder…

  • If you're nodding along to the beat of "Yes, that's me" when thinking about the pressure of societal expectations, keep reading.

  • Tired of the inner critic's constant chatter? You're in the right place.

  • Find yourself always looking for a thumbs-up from others? Let's chat.

  • If the idea of breaking free from the cycle of productivity hacks that never touch the heart of the matter speaks to you, welcome aboard.

  • Ready to shift from seeking external validation to finding your own voice? You're exactly who we're looking for.

So what’s in it for you?

  • Inner Mentor Empowerment: Imagine turning down the volume of that pesky inner critic and tuning into a channel where your inner mentor speaks wisdom, confidence, and clarity. We're making it happen.

  • Community Support: Journey alongside folks who get it. Share, grow, and learn together in a space where everyone's on a similar path to self-discovery and empowerment.

  • Practical Tools and Strategies: We're all about actionable insights here. Get ready to work through exercises and strategies that'll help you kick those limiting beliefs to the curb and embrace your strengths in every slice of life.

  • Guidance You Can Trust: With me by your side, you're not just getting a coach. You're gaining a partner who's been there, done that, and knows how to navigate the path from self-doubt to self-empowerment.

What’s Included

Over the course of the program, we'll have ten live calls

Limited spots: Maximum of 15 participants

The calls will be a blend of teaching, experiential processes, and hot-seat coaching. If time allows, you'll also be able to connect in small groups for sharing with other participants.

In between our calls, you will have the opportunity to practice and implement what you're learning.

Doing this program helps you create the life you want and live an extraordinary life. Just as a house must be built on a solid foundation to avoid collapsing under stress, so must your life. It requires courage, open-mindedness, acceptance, time, and energy.

Our work will be focused on you, building yourself and your life from the inside out.

The 3 Part Empowered You Framework

Reveal Your Authentic Self

Your journey begins with knowing yourself and being true to yourself. You will have a thorough and insightful exploration of your strengths by taking the CliftonStrengths assessments. 

We then focus on integrating your strengths into every sphere of your life. This is about identifying your talents, harnessing them effectively for maximum impact, and discovering your Zone of Genius, Greatness, and Superpowers. It’s about making your strengths a compass that guides your decisions and actions.

We'll clarify your inner and outer goals for what you want to accomplish. What makes your heart sing? Together, we'll uncover your deepest desires, laying a strong foundation to guide you smoothly toward your dreams. Allow you to achieve more in your life with greater ease and grace

Re-energize yourself

Navigating the labyrinth of stress and mental clutter is not an easy task. We will implement practical techniques and strategies to identify, reduce, and manage stress. You will do the CleanSweep Program, a personal diagnostic assessment and tune-up for your life.

As your CleanSweep score increases, you will reduce stress, increase your energy, and attract better people and opportunities into your life. As a result, you will also create self-nurturing daily habits.

Tolerations are often silent inhibitors of growth. Together, we'll unearth these obstacles that have been subtly hindering your progress. We'll work to eliminate these barriers, allowing for the free flow of positivity and growth.

Reclaim Your Personal Power

You’ll learn to distinguish your inner critic and mentor, which is essential to self-growth and empowerment. We will work on fostering a compassionate dialogue with your inner critic, acknowledging its presence but firmly choosing not to be defined by its negativity. 

You will learn to transform its undermining whispers into fuel for personal growth. At the same time, we'll work on cultivating your connection with your inner mentor, learning to listen to its wisdom and guidance, and integrating its voice into your everyday life. 

As you align with your inner mentor, you'll find yourself making decisions and acting in ways that resonate with your true self, leading to a fulfilled and empowered life.

Bonus Included


What is a toleration?  It’s the rug that you trip over every day on the way out the door, the room you cringe in as you walk by because it needs to be painted, and the nail-biting habit you know you should stop but don’t.

“A toleration is something that is put up with or endured; it is a burden and eats up time, money, and mental space,” from The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook, By Coach U, Inc.

Other examples of tolerations include:

  • A desk stacked with paper

  • A co-worker who spends all day complaining

  • Limited trunk space in your car because it’s filled with miscellaneous gear

  • Not exercising when you know you should



A compelling 30-minute audio guide by Steve Chandler offers a profound shift in how we approach our personal and professional relationships. This audio reveals the stark contrast between the pitfalls of relying on expectations and the transformative power of forming agreements.

Expectations often lead to disappointment and strain, as they silently demand others to fulfill our needs, relinquishing our power and agency in the process. This approach sets us up for failure and weakens the bonds we share with others.

On the other hand, agreements emerge as a dynamic and empowering strategy. By consciously choosing to create and uphold agreements, we engage in a mutual commitment that respects and honors all involved. This method encourages open communication, builds trust, and ensures that each person's word is valued and kept.



This coaching session is tailored by you, for you. Whether it’s a burning question, about your CliftonStrengths, a dream you’re chasing, or a challenge you’re facing, choose the topic that speaks to your heart. It’s an opportunity to focus on what truly matters to you. Bring it to the session, and let’s handle it.


Here are the details


Coming Soon! This Fall

-10 weeks every Tuesday from Sept 10 to Nov 12

-September 10, 17 and 24

-October 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29

-November 5 and 12

All calls are 90 minutes and at 5 pm Pacific Time.


Virtual From Anywhere via Zoom


Early Bird Price thru August 31st: $550

After August 31st:

  • One-time payment of $750 or

  • Two payments of $400

Still unsure? Book a No-strings-attached Complimentary session!

Come “test drive” one of my coaching sessions to ensure we are a right fit. Our session can focus on how self-doubt and fear affect the different areas of your life, seeing what’s working and what’s not, identifying your heartfelt dreams, and envisioning the life you desire. 

It can also be about anything meaningful to you. We'll address any challenges or obstacles you may be facing and then create 1-2 self-honoring action steps to move you closer to your goal. 

This session is all about you - to experience and see if my coaching style and approach align with your needs and personality. This is obligation-free, and there won't be a sales pitch at the end of the call.

What My Clients Are Saying