Work with me!

Individual and Group coaching for quietly ambitious and high achieving immigrant women to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock the profound self-trust needed to achieve your heartfelt dreams

Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment with 1-hr Coaching

Are you an Immigrant Woman of Color navigating the professional world, a solopreneur on the rise, or a go-getter feeling stuck in the shadows of your own potential? Ever wonder why some paths feel like an uphill battle while others bring out your best effortlessly? It’s time to uncover the strengths that make you uniquely brilliant.

Unlock your superpowers and zone of genius with the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment.

Empowered You Group Coaching

Ever felt like you're constantly chasing after someone else's definition of success? Like you're stuck in a loop of "shoulds," always looking for approval from everyone but yourself? Yeah, I've been there too. That's exactly why I created the Empowered You Group Coaching program. It's not just any coaching program; it's your personal invitation to step into a space where you get to redefine success on your own terms.

Coming Soon.

Tailor Your Journey 1-on-1 coaching

You feel like you’re living in two worlds—you're driven, ambitious, and ready to conquer the world, but there’s a nagging voice holding you back. In these bespoke coaching sessions, we’ll address your specific challenges using different modalities such as CliftonStrengths, Lego Serious Play, inner child healing, and trauma-informed coaching.

Not sure what you need? Book a Complimentary Session!