Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment

Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment

Are you an immigrant woman of color navigating …

  • The professional world?

  • A solopreneur on the rise?

  • A go-getter feeling stuck in the shadows of your own potential?

    Ever wonder why some paths feel like an uphill battle while others bring out your best effortlessly? It’s time to uncover the strengths that make you uniquely brilliant.

Who it’s Perfect For:

If you're ready to move beyond the crossroads of potential and achievement, this is for you. If you've been tirelessly juggling the demands of ambition with the whispers of doubt, the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment is your beacon. It's tailor-made for the driven yet introspective woman who seeks to not only find her place in the world but to shine brightly within it. It’s one of the best way to understand your talents and maximize your potential.

“Your weaknesses will never develop, while your strengths will develop infinitely.”—Donald O. Clifton

You’re going to love this if you want:

  • Deep Self-Understanding: CliftonStrengths 34 reveals your complete unique talent profile based on your responses to the assessment. Discover your full CliftonStrengths 34 profile that defines your unique way of succeeding in the world. It's like getting a personalized map of your DNA for success, detailing how you naturally think, feel, and behave.

  • Tailored Growth Path: With your strengths in hand, we craft a bespoke development plan. This isn't about fixing weaknesses but amplifying your innate talents to elevate your professional journey and personal growth.

  • Strategic Career or Business Alignment: Learn how to align your career or business strategies with your strengths, ensuring every step forward is both fulfilling and effective. With concepts and strategies that help you manage—not fix — what you don’t do best so you can focus on getting the most from your strongest CliftonStrengths. Say goodbye to the guesswork of what makes you excel.

  • Enhanced Relationships: Understanding your strengths means better communication and deeper connections, both professionally and personally. It's about leveraging what you do best to foster collaborations that thrive on mutual respect and admiration.

  • Confidence Boost: Armed with knowledge of your strengths, you'll approach challenges with renewed confidence. It's about transforming from feeling like an impostor to knowing you're an architect of your own success.

The Details and What’s Included

  • 34 CliftonStrengths assessment

  • 1 hour Coaching session and debrief of your results

  • Investment: $250

-CliftonStrengths 34 Report

-CliftonStrengths: Your Introduction E-Learning Module

-CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report

-Your Signature Theme Report

-Your Theme Sequence Report

-StrengthsFinder 2.0 E-book

-Recording of your session

Next Steps

1. Purchase the service.

2. You will receive an email with instructions on how to take the assessment Ensure you check your inbox (including spam/junk folders) for this email.

3. If you don't already have a Gallup account, visit to create one. Using the same email address you used to receive your CliftonStrengths assessment code for your Gallup account is crucial. This ensures seamless access to your assessment and results.

4. Once you have completed the assessment, we will coordinate to schedule the 1-hour coaching session. This session aims to explore your strengths and how you can leverage them for personal and professional growth. We will find a time that is convenient for both parties to conduct this session.

5. After the coaching session, you will be encouraged to utilize your personalized CliftonStrengths reports and any other provided resources to leverage your identified strengths fully. These tools are designed to help you understand and apply your strengths in various aspects of your life, maximizing your potential.

Additional Suggestions:

  • Preparation: Before taking the assessment, find a quiet space where you can focus without interruptions.

  • Engagement during the Debrief: Prepare any questions you might have about your strengths or how to apply them in specific scenarios. The more engaged you are during the debrief, the more valuable insights you will gain.

  • Follow-Up: After the debrief, take time to review your reports and notes from the session. Consider setting specific goals based on your strengths and plan steps to integrate these insights into your daily life or career strategy.

“Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong… And yet, a person can perform only from strength.”—Peter Drucker

Still on the fence?

Experience a complimentary, pitch-free coaching session to make sure we’re a good fit!